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Bespoke packages for schools and colleges

A good understanding of nutrition and food is vital in helping young people get the best start in life. Some schools can support this their existing DT teaching, but for other schools where no specific food provision exists I can create tailored programmes to sit alongside core subjects. This can be as part of the existing  PSHEE or as bespoke wellbeing programme.

As  an experienced tutor and fellow of the HEA I can provide lesson plans and classroom resources with notes for teachers to allow existing school staff to deliver lessons, or provide on site support in person.

Developed  as part of Wellington Schools TES award nominated wellbeing programme, lessons  cover core nutrition principles, encouraging self reflection and behavioural change whilst promoting a positive attitude towards nutritional choices.

Have  a read below about what people say about my teaching and nutrition programme, and contact me to discuss a programme that will best serve your school and pupils.

Wellington school class shot.PNG


Sarah has provided a bespoke nutrition programme tailored for our students from years 7-11 that run within our Wellbeing lesson rotations. The lessons were perfectly pitched to ensure they were relevant and engaging for our young people. The sessions were easy to follow for teachers  when preparing to deliver the sessions, saving valuable planning time. All supporting resources were engaging and relevant to the age of the groups with support sites signposted following every module which both pupils and teachers found invaluable. Sarah also delivered lessons within our PSHEE syllabus on topics such as Disordered Eating where it was imperative that pupils were provided with an opportunity to ask the expert and be provided with the answers they sought immediately and sensitively.

Jennie Cooling. Head of Wellbeing. Wellington School

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